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We analyze the entire end to end process to identify bottle necks and points of failures. After identifying key areas by establishing the proper analytics we implement improvement actions to achieve project goals predictability Cycle Time Improvement by leading cross functional teams, identify inputs and outputs, implement process improvements & achieving operational excellence

Risk Mitigation (Risk Management) Risk Management is considered one of the main processes to be implemented during the inception of a project, this is a iterative activity that needs to be performed frequently, depending upon the specific project status the frequency of the activity may be weekly, by-weekly, monthly.

RACI Roles and Responsibilities A RACI chart or also called a RACI matrix is the backbone of any project that is being carried out inside the organization or externally with customers. When done proactively, a proper developed RACI chart allows all parties to fully understand each activity and who is responsible to implement each of the decisions made during the project timeline RACI charts are a type of responsibility assignment matrices in project management. These simple spreadsheets or tables highlight the different states of responsibility a stakeholder has over a particular task or deliverable and denotes it with the letters R, A, C, or I. Responsible Accountable Consult Inform The individual(s) who completes the task, the action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared. The individual who is making the decisions. The individual(s) to be consulted prior to a final decision or action.   The individual(s) who need to be informed after a decision…

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PROJECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT It is a fact that projects are the base of existing organizations, thus investing in Project Portfolio Management not only gives the organization a competitive advantage in the market place but achieves the realization of the investment. By enabling the organization to enter a cadence of events and harmonization of current ways of working, it will support executives and leaders to rely on project execution and have a unique expectation on project visibility, control and predictability that would allow the organization to increase confidence on financial targets in alignment with the organizational goals       PROJECT MANAGEMENT We collaborate with our clients applying state of the art professional project management expertise and techniques. Utilizing the five process groups in Project Management and customizing the solution to the particular project life cycle we achieve higher levels of monitoring and control giving leaders the proper visibility anticipating customer needs as…

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