Roles and Responsibilities

A RACI chart or also called a RACI matrix is the backbone of any project that is being carried out inside the organization or externally with customers. When done proactively, a proper developed RACI chart allows all parties to fully understand each activity and who is responsible to implement each of the decisions made during the project timeline

RACI charts are a type of responsibility assignment matrices in project management. These simple spreadsheets or tables highlight the different states of responsibility a stakeholder has over a particular task or deliverable and denotes it with the letters R, A, C, or I.

The individual(s) who completes the task, the action/implementation. Responsibility can be shared.The individual who is making the decisions.The individual(s) to be consulted prior to a final decision or action.  The individual(s) who need to be informed after a decision or action is taken.  

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